The national art center in Tokyo

The National Art Center in Tokyo

The National Art Center is located just next to Nogizaka Station in Tokyo. Due to this location, you do not need to go outside of the underground station and do not need to get wet in the rain.
But the main facade of the museum is opposite to the connected entrance to the station, you have to walk to the opposite entrance along to the cafe in order to see the main facade. In addition, sometimes I hear big noises that helicopter makes landing quite near the museum. It is so annoying for me that it reminds me of a battle field in movies.

This museum was designed by Kisho Kurokawa. Frankly speaking I prefer much more sleek surface to the meshed one full of the glass supporting members.

The National Art Center in Roppongi, Nogizaka

Christian Boltanski

Herewith, I write about the works of Boltanski which will be shown until next Monday.

Christian Boltanski
The national art center, Tokyo

2019 June 12th to September 2nd

I have never known Boltanski before. But I happened to read the article about his works on website and it brought me to the Museum.
Yes, most of his works are installations using light and shade. There are some films shown as well.
Walking through the installations, I could not help but thinking about death and Jewish people who were killed in concentration camps.

It was a really strange experience. A sadness gradually soaked into my feeling.
Heaps of clothes and photos of portraits, who seemed family and siblings reminds me history and someone who passed away in the past.
I will die like them. `People die without any exception.
I nearly wept thinking about this fact. Strangely, I kept calm. This was a really good exhibition.

Let’s walk Tokyo with a traditional mask on!





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