Autumn festival in Machida, Tokyo

Autumn festival in Machida, Tokyo

I went to the autumn festival held for two days by Machida tenmangu shrine near my house with my friend.  Usually, many kids and students gather temples and shrine in such events in Japan and they buy Japanese fast-food at stalls and walk around talking with friends.  It seems a lot of fun for them.  I had never been to such a festival with my friend in my youth.
So, it was my first time to go to that festival with my friend.  It was really fascinating.

On the first night of the festival, I saw Sato-kagura, traditional local play. It is an intangible cultural treasure and has been handed down up to now among civil people. I did not know the synopsis of the play well.   But it made me chuckle.

On the next day, I walked among the food stalls seeing men and kids dancing along with the Japanese traditional music.

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