what to eat in Tokyo

sushi mold

I went to Kappabashi to fetch some sushi molds.Kappabashi is a must place to visit if you look for Japanese cooking utensils. I bet that you can find anything there! You would be so surprised to see many pottery and […]

Japanese hors d’oeuvre – Stuffed Wafer cake on the left. I filled Monaka (stuffed wafer cake) diced chestnut and withcream cheese and dried persimmon. It tastes sweet like real Monaka, a kind of wagashi, japanese sweet.

Here, I have added two restaurants with a good view along the Sumida River near Asakusa. Unagi Maekawa Komagata- Unagi(Eel)This restaurant is very close to the A5 exit of Asakusa station. The speciality is grilled eel. This restaurant faces Sumida

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