Plum-blossom-shaped Sushi

Plum-blossom-shaped sushi

Plum(Ume) blossoms have been sources of designs applied to Kimono, Urushi lacquar in Japan for a long time.   Still now, we can see a variety of plum blossom motifs in paintings, dishes, furniture and so on in Edo Period or much older times.  This time, Plum(Ume) blossoms have been sources of designs applied to Kimono, Urushi lacquar in Japan for a long time.   Still now, we can see a variety of plum blossom motifs in paintings, dishes, furniture and so on in Edo Period or much older times.  This time, I took this motif out of Japanese emblems(Kamon)  and applied it to Nigiri sushi. The original design is shown as follows;

Japanese classical motif of Plum-blossom

For making a plum-blossom shape, put 1 and half TS of Sushi rice on a sheet of plastic wrap. Fasten and twist the plastic wrap. Then form the wrapped Sushi rice into a half-sphere shape with your palms. Please keep in mind to make sushi rice into that shape softly. Otherwise, sushi gets “pressed” and does not taste good. Strip off half of the plastic wrap on the upper. Put a slice of Tuna on top and get the plastic wrap back as it was. Again,make a plum-blossom shape softy. Take off the plastic wrap and put the sushi on the plate.

For the recipe of sushi rice, please take a look into the other articles.

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