The name, Hyogo(arsenal) is derived from the armony of Ushigome castle, which was located here in the warring period. This Yokocho, side alley is one of the most attractive side alleys in Kagurazaka. The classical Japanese restaurants and ryokan(hotels) are located along the stone-paved alley.There are a few steps and slopes mixed in the alley. As we walk, the visual point gradually changes. In addition, the narrow alley and the black wooden walls make the passenger feel secured. I guess that the serene atmosphere is close to Kanazawa.
I suppose that Kaguraza is opposite to Asakusa. Asakusa Sensoji is a very colorful, big temple and always very crowed. Kagurazaka has many small-sized temples and full of roji, side-alleys such as Kyogo yokocho lane. There are steep hills and narrow steps. It is the place that only a few know. If too many tourists sworm Kagurazaka, it will cause a troublem. This place is a sort of secret places in Tokyo.
Hyogo yokocho steps Hyogo yokocho Hyogo yokocho Hyogo yokocho Hyogo yokocho