
When I studied in London, I had a chat with my classmate Leonard. He was a very charming French man. Japanese addresses have no street names. I can remember the moment I was explainning him how Japanese addresses are designated. […]

I saw the exhibition of Basquiat this week in Roppongi. To tell the truth, I have been eager to see his works for more than a decade!Here comes a chance! I rushed to Roppongi Hills as if I were a

Last sunday I went to a city hall to see Takigi-Noh theater.  We usually call “Noh theater performed outside by fire” Takigi-Noh.  But due to a typhoon approaching Japan, the Takigi-Noh theater had to changed to be performed at the theater indoors without fire.  This was a shame.  Nevertheless, the performance of Noh theater was great!!  I now plan to see other Noh theater in near future.

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